The Comerford Reservoir, on the Connecticut River that borders New Hampshire and Vermont, in the United States.
Plenty of water, a nice sandy beach, easy boat launch, grass with picnic tables, lots of free parking, not much development along this stretch of the river towards the Moore Reservoir, and mountain views.
But what did I leave out of this shot just off to my left of the beautiful public access to the water?
The big monster. The dam monster. The Frank D. Comerford Dam.
There are much bigger dams of course. But they are all monsters for "us". Those of "us" who want to use the water once in a while, and know, "When is it safe for "us"? When can "we" use the water that you control? Could you let us know when it's OK?"

"During boating season, water levels could vary from up to nine or ten feet."
Hey wait a minute! Isn't that when "we' want to use the water?
Isn't nine or ten feet a pretty significant change in water levels?
I'm only here from Canada visiting for one week with my 17 foot sea kayak. How much research do I need to do if I want to paddle this river, or any river? Where can I find the information I need to know about dam locations and flow rates? The uber friendly tourist centres around here provide me with maps of the area and tell me where the launch sites are, and some of them are very near the dams, danger signs, and very much in between dams.
"TransCanada hydro Northeast provides many day-use public access ramps and picnic areas around the reservoirs."
Gee thanks! Aren't you nice! And all this, at my own risk, according to your DANGER signs. Such a deal.
Paddling with dams is damned!
Here's a link to some flowcast information from a "
Ummm, really. What you are telling me (us) is that I can never go into "your water." How did you take it away from us so easily and in so many places?
No matter how much information is provided to the public, it's still hit or miss for us when dams are nearby.
On rivers we have to learn where and when it might be safe to paddle in between dams. I find it a lot of work and worry to research. Do you? And it keeps me off of some stretches of water I'd like to paddle more often.
On lazy summer or beautiful fall days, I never know what to think when I launch from public places they've created "for us" near one of their dams, and some of them can control a pretty wide berth of water and land. And there you are standing underneath one of their giant DANGER signs, far from the dam or right next to it. The ones that warn you that the water levels can suddenly change without warning. What kind of message does this send to the public, boaters, and paddlers?
For example, when you arrive at the "launch by the dam on the Comerford Reservoir", people are sitting on the picnic table. Families with children and dogs are swimming in the water right next to the dam with the big Danger sign next to their picnic table on the little sandy beach.
This bothers me!
How do we know when we can paddle or swim on our rivers? It seems that dams are controlling most or all of them. They are a necessary evil, and they are here to stay. So we need to know more about them. Where are they located? What kinds of flows are coming out of them at any time of year.
And, it's not easy to find out.
Is it really fair and reasonable to us, the public, boaters and paddlers, that water flows can change suddenly without warning because of them?
"If something happens to you, It's not our fault. We put up warning signs in some spots. On other parts of the river affected by what we do, well, that's your problem. Good luck! And, just try to contact some of us to find out about daily flows, predictions, or recommendations for the paddle you planned on "our river" and again, good luck! On most days, you'll be OK, except spring, other times of the year like summer and fall when you really want to paddle, you just never know. Maybe try cycling instead! We own the river now. Why don't you just boat or kayak on a lake or the ocean?"
That was my mock conversation with dam owners and operators, that I can't get a hold of or talk to when I want to plan a paddle on a river with a dam. Can you?
Looks pretty, doesn't it? The Comerford Reservoir. Yes.
What's next for the BaffinPaddler?
The BaffinPaddler is researching dams in Canada and the United States, contacting organizations and government bodies, and looking for someone to interview. "Paddling with dams is damned!"
It hit me at the Comerford Reservoir on the Connecticut River in New Hampshire, launching from the sandy beach and park with picnic tables and a parking lot for the public, next to the dam and a giant danger sign.
I've been thinking and wondering about dams for awhile as a paddler. I need to learn more.
I think we need better resources on the Web for the public and paddlers with information about dams that are useful to us when we want to plan a paddle or visit the water controlled by dams. Dams are a pain, and we're stuck with them! Researching a paddle is so much work!
A few paddlers have told me about hitting some scary or difficult water in between dams on rivers that would normally be quiet on lazy fall or summer days and they stopped paddling certain parts of rivers they liked.
I'm looking and hoping to build a Web resource about dams for paddlers with links to information that will make our paddle planning easier.
How do you feel about dams?Happy and safe paddling.
The Baffin Paddler, Hydroelectric Dams, Stay Clear, Stay Safe
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